WUF (With U Forever) helps C-suite leaders and Heads of Benefits take better care of their people by also caring for their pets.

Only 7% of companies allow pets on-site, but EVERY company can be pet-conscious & achieve Best Pet Workplace Certification.
Take Survey to Join

Pets… The Chief Icebreaking Officers


As many American households have at least 1 pet then have children
Source: U.S. Census


Of pet parents consider their pets the most important thing in their life
Source: Mars Petcare


Of employees who work for pet-conscious businesses feel fully engaged with their job
Source: American Animal
Hospital Association


In saved ib annual human health care costs as a result of pet parenthood
Source: Human Animal
Bond Research Institute

Pet-Conscious Cultures Help

Attract Top Talent
Increase Retention
Drive Employee
Engagement &
Reduce Missed
Days and Burnout